Monday, January 3, 2011

Recipe browsing

I've been distracting myself with a lot of recipe browsing and cookingchannel tv watching lately.
For some reason I'm completely intrigued by the Veg Edge which focuses on really crazy-amazing vegetarian and vegan restaurants. Some of the stuff, like tempeh bbq looks gross, but the more refined, richly infused veggie dishes look amazing. Even the vegan recipes sound pretty interesting - using coconut milk instead of regular cream. I can use the lactose intolerant pills when I have dairy, and so far they do work, but I imagine it helps to keep the overall amount of lactose down to a minimum. So I'm open to alternatives.

I really want to try this Jamie Oliver recipe as soon as I get home from my trip. SO much so that I already bought the pomegranate!  It's meant to be a post-Thanksgiving - leftover turkey recipe, but the dressing sounds so interesting. Three fruit juices and soy! I'll be making it in a week or so so stay tuned.

And while I don't like baking, the below does look fantastic. The recipe is from Shape magazine of all places. I have no idea if it's good but I think the idea of covering a brownie recipe with a cup of hot water is kind of a funny concept.

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