Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Don't despair....

For those of you who are finding the quest to lose 30ish lbs to be too long, to arduous, too depressing, too unattainable, please don't despair. I know my path seems too good to be true. I still get asked what I did - and people are not satisfied with "diet and exercise" as an answer. I didn't have any set backs, I didn't cheat, I didn't backslide and I've been far more successful than I ever thought possible. I have a six-pack! I mean, it's a pretty weeny six pack, but it is there. I must be very annoying - posting all my after shots and story after story of people telling me how I'm an inspiration.

But here's the thing. I didn't really even try until Alex was four and a half. That's a HUGE difference between me and those of you with tiny kids. And I have a low-stress flexible job, as well as a husband who is fitness-obsessed and who encourages me to take time for myself to exercise. This was not really always the case. I mean, he would say, "fine, go" in a kind of annoyed voice, which he thought was being supportive. But now he's truly supportive. We're both far less overwhelmed by our children than in years past. And I didn't get one single sinus infection or other out-for-the-count illness since I started in January. This is unheard of for me and extremely lucky. Those sinus infections wipe me out for weeks at a time. There were many cases in the past few years where I would make a bit of an exercise effort, would get derailed by a sinus infection and would then just think that focusing on diet and exercise was just out of my emotional reach.

I also think I picked really good diet and exercise plans. WW has an excellent system for determining amount. I already had a very strong sense of nutrition and cooking, and I chose very effective workouts. Stair-climbing, jogging, cardio-sculpt are all really super-effective muscle-toning and calorie-burning activities.

And I have written before about my support network. Fantastic! I would never have done the stairs every day without Abigail. And I would never have made it through the first few months without Jennifer. Knowing that she had been successful and asking her constant questions was really extremely helpful to me as I readjusted my mindset.

You do not need to go at my pace or achieve my "better than when I was a teenager" results. I mean, it's nice and all but it's not necessary. You guys can all do this. Do not let a setback derail you. I'm so impressed with your progress so far. Everyone is in such a better place emotionally. It is possible and it is worth it - at whatever pace you find reasonable.

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