Monday, October 5, 2009

What I bought this week...

Sunday I tried an experiment. I had a few kids at the house, and was kind of stuck hanging around so I tried cooking anything I could. Normally if I cook on the weekend it's big complicated things, not simple sautées I can do after work. I thought I'd get ahead for the week.

I made tofu with sautéed spring onions and mushrooms, and a soy/sesame sauce. I roasted zucchini spears, peppers, turnips (not together, the turnips were just like chips that I ate. Yum!). I sautéed ground white meat turkey and super-fatty but organic grass-fed ground beef, a new offering at TJ's. It's actually too rich for me to even eat. I also had a whole tub of whole wheat pasta already cooked in the fridge.

Well by the time dinner was over on Sunday, we had eaten all the roasted veggies, most of the pasta, all the ground turkey and broken into the ground beef. I kind of put it all together for Dave and I, minus the beef, and gave N some beef as she really likes it. So much for getting ahead. Then like a dummy I took apart the bits and separated them on the plate for the kids. They don't like all their food glopped together so I should know better than to do that.

I do have more ground beef, which will go on my now at least once weekly home made whole wheat pizza, I have the tofu dinner, but unfortunately I'm out of the nice sticky rice from the Asian market. We're also going to neighbors' homes at least twice this week and Friday are leaving for Texas, so we better get eating. As of now I have no plan for tonight! Maybe we'll eat the pizza.

We'll see if I saved us any hassle this week at dinner time.

I also over-bought lunch options, so we may have sandwiches one evening. I had a spicy chicken sandwich for breakfast today! I have enough sliced cheese to feed us for a month. One of the perils of not shopping with a list. Luckily for me since the airlines don't serve food I'm making a huge picnic of sandwiches to take on the plane. Just like my Czech exchange family did back in the 1990s - except they would pack all their food for a week's holiday!

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