Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Morning shakes

I used to make a power shake in the morning. It consisted of frozen berries, frozen bananas, yogurt, milk, protein powder and flax oil. I stopped making them as they left me hungry a little while later. Now I realize that between the natural and added sugars, those shakes are really high in sugar and don't provide enough heft to be filling. I also read somewhere that the act of chewing somehow stimulates satiety signals in the brain. Something to do with saliva I think. At any rate, I decided to try again today, a year later. My findings were kind of interesting. First of all Natasha begged me to make a chocolate one. I did, but was guessing at amounts and used way too much cocoa powder. Even she expressed surprise, teeth and lips covered in brown goop that something could be "too chocolaty". Then I tried my more traditional fruit shake. This time I found the shake way too sweet, based mainly on the sweetened vanilla protein powder. The milk, bananas and fruit make it plenty sweet enough for my new palate. I actually had to spill half of it out. I will have to try it again tomorrow without the heavily sweetened protein powder (the theory was that it would keep me fuller longer) and just add a hard boiled egg to the meal. I may reduce the banana ratio as well. I skipped the flax oil as I eat plenty of flax in other things.

But I was happy to see how my sugar tastes have changed.

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